About Pug Productions
Since 1991 - The longest running comic book shows in New Jersey!
to the longest running comic book shows in NJ! Pug Productions started
presenting monthly comic book conventions in November of 1991 and has not
missed a month since. We typically run two shows a month in different locations,
but have been known to run as many as three! We passed the 300 mark two
years ago and we're still counting! Nobody in our area (and quite probably
the entire country) even comes close! We currently run regular shows in
Clifton and East Hanover, but have run shows in Paramus, Wayne, Montclair
and Totowa as well. Always click on our "Special
Events" section
just in case
We have seen more ups and downs than you can imagine, but our primary goal
is still a dedication to the simple concept that comic books should be
fun! Sure, there's a speculator in every collector, but if you focus on
buying what you like, your collection will be far more enjoyable than trying
to second guess what the next hot thing will be!
That's one reason why we feature "no minimum bid" auctions at
all our shows... buyers get bargains and really feel like they're part
of the show (which they are-the biggest part really).
Past guests include:
- Dick Ayers
- Dave Cockrum
- Chris Eliopoulos
- Don Heck
- Greg Hildebrandt
- Ken Kelly
- Adam Kubert
- Don McGregor
- Mark McKenna
- Fernando Ruiz
- Buddy Scalera
- Michael Uslan
- Lee Weeks
- Pronto Comics